Building Women’s Power Hand Book

Dec 9, 2022

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The Building Women’s Power project is a program within ILRIG developed to support self-organized formations and activists to promote feminist alternatives to Racial Capitalism. Given the context of fragile movements and the vulnerability and marginalisation of women and the attack on women’s agency and activism. This project is aimed at building and supporting women in their organisational, community, institutional/work and personal spaces to counter the structural problems that are endemic to working class women in South Africa and to supporting their efforts to build and develop an emancipatory feminist politics to achieve this. In South Africa there is a general trend of movements to direct their demands towards the state. Whilst this is important our focus is to support the building of counter power through alternatives spaces and praxis.

The curriculum makes use of multi-media educational materials which facilitate feminist education in the difficult context of “post” COVID-19 and after lockdown, and will also make feminist education that happens at the school more engaging.