Browse our publications brochure, which contains information about some recent publications and popular materials produced by ILRIG. These materials...
COVID-19 Vaccines Pamphlet
We have turned our infographic about the need for a public, free and equitable approach to COVID-19 vaccines into a pamphlet that can be printed and...
Organise against Coronavirus (Afrikaans)
A pamphlet produced by Casual Workers Advice Office (CWAO) and translated by ILRIG. Organisations who wish to use and distribute these can have...
Hamba Kahle Comrade Khusta
Hamba kahle comrade Mkhululi Khusta Sijora01.08.1982 – 29.05.2016 khusta-tributes-leafletDownload the tribute pamphlet
Hands Off Our Grants
This pamphlet is written for activists to campaign against the exploitation of social grant holders. Social grant holders are our mothers,...