In December 2021, Open Secrets and the Unpaid Benefits Campaign (UBC), represented by the Centre for Applied Legal Studies (CALS), brought an...
Defend Kurdistan Against Turkish Occupation
We – nearly 150 politicians, human rights advocates, journalists, academics, members of parliaments, political activists, ecologists, and feminists...
Why Is South Africa Complicit In Turkish War Crimes?
By Terry Crawford-Browne, November 5, 2020 Although it accounts for less than one percent of world trade, the war business has been estimated to...
KCK to launch a revolutionary campaign on September 12
KCK to launch a revolutionary democratic campaign on September 12 under the motto “Stop Isolation, Fascism, Occupation; Time to Achieve Freedom”....
Video: Dilar Dirik: Democratic Confederalism | Abolition of the Nation-State
The Pandemic Surveillance State
In anticipation of the post-COVID-19 world, bold statements are being made on how we will, as a race, be wiser, even kinder; cautious, and...
Political significance of the platinum strike
Determining the future now: the platinum workers’ strike The platinum strike, which began on the 23rd of January, has become a showdown between...
Existential crisis of the Kurdish in Turkey and Elsewhere: Nationhood or Autonomy?
The Kurds are a nationality concentrated in a territory that straddles four states: Iraq, Iran, Syria and Turkey. For months Kurdish militia have...
Capitalist crisis goes from bad to worse
Like a recurring nightmare, the capitalist crisis refuses to go away and rather seems to be going from bad to worse. Perhaps the most glaring signs...
China ground up
By Shawn Hattingh What the plunge in Chinese stock markets reveals It was long ago stated that capitalism came into the world dripping in blood and...
Disordering the World: The Rise of Neoliberalism
In his melancholic book, Age of Extremes: the Short Twentieth Century 1914-1991 (1995), British historian Eric Hobsbawm states: “The history of the...
Defending Rojava means Defending Abdullah Öcalan
By The Internationalist Commune Published on There are some days when we no longer see the sky with so many enemies...