Articles by ILRIG

Where have all the soldiers gone?

Where have all the soldiers gone?

Videos and pictures emerged of township residents being forced, at gun point, to do physical exercises in public spaces. Others showed soldiers hitting and kicking people who had evidently been in violation of one or another of the strict regulations.

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Workers’ Strikes and the Battle for Public Opinion

Workers’ Strikes and the Battle for Public Opinion

Ah, so we have the strike season with us again. And with every story goes the same tiresome media refrain: “intimidation.” This, of course, is bolstered by every tame economist saying what they are so well paid to say: “The strikes are bad for the country. Labour laws are too rigid and strikes will only scare off investors and drive up joblessness. The demands being made are way above necessary, and therefore, certain to fuel inflation.”

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Women in the Arab Uprisings

Women in the Arab Uprisings

By Koni Benson “Women’s participation during the revolution was remarkable.” Egyptian activist Shaza Abdel Lateef speaks against a backdrop of...

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