In South Africa over the last few years we have seen many struggles within workplaces and communities. A feature of these struggles, however, has...
[RADIO PLAY] No Money For Jam
A play about COVID-19 post-lockdown consequences regarding job security, wage levels and gender-based violence – all symptoms of a general...
Input by Şoreş Dirbesiye from the Internationalist Commune in Rojava
This is an amazing and inspiring input by Şoreş Dirbesiye from the Internationalist Commune in Rojava/Autonomous Administration of North and East...
[POSTER] System Change Not Climate Change
This poster seeks to encourage reflection and discussion on three core issues that currently confront humanity – Capitalism, Climate Change and...
Revolution and Cooperatives
As part of the Rojava Revolution there has been an attempt to build an communal economy based on meeting people's needs through creating and...
Noma and the curse of the 3 C’s (Capitalism, Covid -19, Climate Change)
In this second of ILRIG’s comic book series (this time along with our partner organisation, the Environmental Monitoring Group), our super-hero Noma...
[POSTER] Imagining a World Beyond Policing
This poster was featured in Workers World News Issue 116. Poster and words below by Mikayla Boorany (Instagram @mikaylaboorany): “In 2003, Arundhati...
Workers World News Issue 116 (Sep 2020)
In this edition of Workers World News, we look at two pandemics. As we continue to provide analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic, we also focus on the...
[RADIO PLAY] Plague in the Time of King Kapital and Queen Corona
ILRIG together with the Botsotso Arts Collective have produced this made-for-radio play, which is presently being rolled out on community radio...
[SONG] For Power
s_os · Soundz Of The South -For Power(ZA - 4ML - 20 - 00002) FOR POWER The coronavirus has rapidly spread across the world, with South Africa...
Rojava Revolution
In the last few years, most people would have seen or read news stories of how Kurdish fighters in Syria, especially women, have been fighting...
Class and Power
CLASS STRUGGLE, THE LEFT AND POWER Written by Jonathan Payn. Download the booklet here