To TINA (There Is No Alternative) or Not to TINA is a radio drama in three episodes about an existing political-economic alternative to the current...
COVID-19 Working Class Campaign
View our school boycott flyer On Wednesday 18 March 2020 around 40 activists from various working class formations met at the House of Movements in...
South Africa’s new lockdown regulations explicitly ban all ‘political gatherings’
By Dale T. McKinley 19 January 2021 First published in the Daily Maverick. In the general fog that has enveloped our pandemically framed world, it...
COVID 19: The Politics of Disease and the Disease of Politics Pt.1
by Leonard Gentle Part 1: Global Upheavals and the Politics of Disease As we enter the second week of South Africa’s lock-down to fight the Covid 19...
Covid-19 and Capitalism: ‘Pandemics… have their roots in environmental change and ecosystem disturbances’
by Dale T. McKinley As the escalating crisis of the climate crisis is so tragically and consistently showing, unless there is a reframing of human...
Press Statement: ILRIG Suspension of Public Events and Activities in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic
18 March 2020In light of the rapid global spread of COVID-19 (also known as the coronavirus) and its potentially devastating impact on South Africa,...
Where have all the soldiers gone?
Videos and pictures emerged of township residents being forced, at gun point, to do physical exercises in public spaces. Others showed soldiers hitting and kicking people who had evidently been in violation of one or another of the strict regulations.
Trump is a bony-eared assfish…and other tales from the Covid-19 rogues gallery (Part One)
By Dale T. McKinley (This article was first published here). Even during the best of times, there are always going to be rogues in our midst....
[WEBINAR] Housing Struggles: What is their significance for movement building in the time of pandemic?
Join us for an ILRIG webinar on housing struggles and their significance for movement building in the COVID-19 pandemic. DATE: Thursday 25 March...
[POSTER] COVID-19 Vaccines
We have turned our infographic about the need for a public, free, and equitable approach to COVID-19 vaccines into an informative poster that can be...
COVID-19 Vaccines Pamphlet
We have turned our infographic about the need for a public, free and equitable approach to COVID-19 vaccines into a pamphlet that can be printed and...
[WEBINAR] COVID-19 Vaccines: The new apartheid?
THIS EVENT HAS PASSED. Watch the event recording below and here. View Dr Lydia Cairncross' slides here. View Dr Benjamin Kagina's slideshow here....